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Quick Update: Ferndale Considering Banning Drones Tonight

This evening [April 27, 2015], the City of Ferndale is considering whether to ban drones or unmanned aerial vehicles from flying within the airspace of the city.  There are three proposed exceptions to this rule:

1.  if the drone is operated by an authorized law enforcement agency;
2.  if the drone is operated with authorization from the Federal Aviation Administration; or
3. if the drone is operated only within the boundaries of an individual’s real property.
The meeting begins at 7:00 P.M. at Ferndale City Hall, 300 E. Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, Michigan.  The language of the proposed ordinance can be located here.

(April 28, 2015 Update): Ferndale dropped its proposal to exclude drones.  An article regarding the backlash can be found here.

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