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Kevin Hirzel Appointed as Co-Chair of the Condominium, PUD and Co-Op Committee for the State Bar of Michigan’s Real Property Law Section

The State Bar of Michigan’s Real Property Law Section recently appointed Kevin M. Hirzel, Esq. as Co-Chair of the Special Committee for Condominiums, PUDs, & Cooperatives.  The Real Property Law Section is tasked with 1) studying and reporting on proposed and necessary legislation on behalf of its 3,600 members, 2) reviewing pending legislation, 3) drafting and introducing legislation and 4) promoting the legal education of members of the Bar and the public on Real Property Law consisting of the law of mortgages, liens, encumbrances, property taxes, land titles, land use, zoning, leases, land sales, water law, riparian rights, conveyancing, taxation, condominiums and environmental law.

As exemplified by the Special Committee’s name, the Condominiums, PUDs, & Cooperatives Special Committee focuses on issues relating to condominiums, cooperatives and planned unit developments within the State of Michigan.  The Special Committee typically meets biannually or more and Members of the Committee are called on to lecture for the Real Property Law Section presentations, as well as ICLE annually. Of particular importance, the Special Committee receives new proposed legislation on a regular basis for analysis and comment.
Congratulations to Mr. Hirzel on this well deserved honor!

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