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March 2016

As the weather becomes warmer here in Michigan, many homeowners or co-owners undergo the yearly “Spring Cleaning.”  Unfortunately, many condominium associations in Michigan face co-owners, tenants or residents who do not maintain the same sanitary living space as their neighbors.  At the extreme, hoarders may

Matthew W. Heron, Esq. Introduction A well-run condominium can be thought of as having two components: (1) physical assets, which are the buildings, structures, and grounds on which the condominium is located; and (2) financial assets, which are the funds necessary to maintain the condominium’s physical assets.

In Liss v. Lewiston–Richard Inc, 478 Mich. 203; 732 NW2d 514 (2007), the Michigan Supreme Court held that a residential home builder was exempt from compliance with the Michigan Consumer Protection Act, MCL 445.901 et seq.  The Michigan Supreme Court reasoned that MCL 445.904(1)(a) exempted