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Kevin Hirzel Interviewed Regarding Options Short of Litigation to Resolve Condominium Disputes

In a recent news article by Sherri Kolade at C&G Newspapers titled Condominium Conflicts: Condo Lawyers Discuss Handling Potential Litigation, Compromise, Kevin Hirzel, Esq. outlined options short of litigation to resolve disputes between Associations and Co-owners.  Mr. Hirzel is quoted as saying, “You can either stay or go. Sue, compromise, or get political by campaigning to join a condominium association board.”  The full article can be found here.  The article further discusses proposed House Bill 4015, which Kevin wrote about back in January in an article titled Michigan House Bill 4015 (2017): Bad News for Michigan Condominium Associations.

Mr. Hirzel may be reached at  (248) 450-0339 or

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