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Home2023 (Page 3)

August 2023

What Your Condo Association Needs to Know About the New Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Lending Guidelines            The Surfside condominium collapse led to significant reform in the condominium lending industry.  In Lender Letter LL-2021-14, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac implemented temporary lending guidelines in

Michigan Court of Appeals Holds that Short-Term Rentals Violate Residential Use Restrictions             Since 2004, the Michigan Court of Appeals has repeatedly determined that short-term rentals within Michigan communities that are subject to residential, business, and commercial restrictions are prohibited because they are commercial activities that

Can You Pay Directors and Officers of a Michigan Condominium or Homeowners Association?             It is common for a condominium association’s master deed and bylaws or a homeowners association’s declaration to address compensating board members.  Usually, such a provision will either expressly disallow any compensation or


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