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Ensuring Financial Stability: When to Initiate the Collection Process for Condominium Associations Condominium associations occupy a critical role in maintaining the economic health of community living spaces, balancing the delicate intersection of collective responsibility and individual financial obligations. Ensuring financial stability within these communities hinges on

Unlocking Success: Using Legal Representation Over Collection Agencies for Delinquent Condominium Assessments  Community associations in Michigan play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of shared living spaces. However, when faced with delinquent condominium assessments, these associations often encounter significant challenges in recovering the

Til Death Do Us Part, Or Do We?: Collecting Community Association Assessments from a Deceased Owner in Michigan             The 2021 Michigan Community Association Fact Book (the “Fact Book”) compiled by the Foundation for Association Research estimates that from July 1, 2019, to July 1, 2021

A recent survey by the Community Associations Institute’s Foundation for Community Research reported that 91% of community association managers and HOA board members reported seeing unexpected increases in operating expenses due to inflation. While cost increases are inevitable, it appears that condominium and homeowners associations


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