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HomeCondo and HOA Assessments (Page 3)

Condo and HOA Assessments

MCL 559.169 allows for a Michigan condominium association to impose assessments against all co-owners in order to pay for the common expenses that are necessary to operate the condominium. When a co-owner fails to pay assessments, it places a strain on the condominium association’s budget

Matthew W. Heron, Esq. Introduction A well-run condominium can be thought of as having two components: (1) physical assets, which are the buildings, structures, and grounds on which the condominium is located; and (2) financial assets, which are the funds necessary to maintain the condominium’s physical assets.

As many new condominium co-owners are aware, the general operations of a condominium association are funded through annual assessments. MCL 559.169 sets forth the requirements for imposing assessments in a Michigan Condominium as follows: 559.169 Assessment of common expenses; contribution of co-owner. Sec. 69. (1) Except to

In Harbor Watch Condominium Association v Emmet County Treasurer, the Michigan Court of Appeals recently ruled that the Emmet County Treasurer was not obligated to pay $97,366.09 in condominium assessments, late fees and interest to the Harbor Watch Condominium Association.  In 2011, the Emmet County Treasurer acquired