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The Michigan Community Association Law Blog

The State Bar of Michigan's Real Property Law Section recently appointed Kevin M. Hirzel, Esq. as Co-Chair of the Special Committee for Condominiums, PUDs, & Cooperatives.  The Real Property Law Section is tasked with 1) studying and reporting on proposed and necessary legislation on behalf of

            Tourism is a major part of the Michigan economy and its significance continues to grow.  From 2010 through 2014 tourism employment growth even outpaced overall state employment growth.  Further, for each month between 2015 and 2017, Michigan’s visitor occupancy rate has increased over the

In Michigan, condominiums consist of either units or common elements. Common elements are further subdivided into two categories: general common elements and limited common elements. Under most Michigan condominium documents, the difference between general common elements and limited common elements is important to determine who

In Deghetto v Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lack Association, issued June 22, 2017 (Docket No. 330972) (Unpublished Opinion), the Michigan Court of Appeals recently ruled that a homeowners’ association could not continue to collect assessments after the restrictive covenant expired.  In Deghetto, the plaintiffs

In a recent news article by Sherri Kolade at C&G Newspapers titled Condominium Conflicts: Condo Lawyers Discuss Handling Potential Litigation, Compromise, Kevin Hirzel, Esq. outlined options short of litigation to resolve disputes between Associations and Co-owners.  Mr. Hirzel is quoted as saying, "You can either stay or go. Sue,


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