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The Michigan Community Association Law Blog

As many new condominium co-owners are aware, the general operations of a condominium association are funded through annual assessments. MCL 559.169 sets forth the requirements for imposing assessments in a Michigan Condominium as follows: 559.169 Assessment of common expenses; contribution of co-owner. Sec. 69. (1) Except to

Michigan utilizes a variety of land use laws and the delegation of certain authority to local governments to regulate the development and use of land while also fostering creativity and innovation among developers and local governments. Condominium Developments and Planned Unit Developments are two different

Michigan condominium associations are governed by various documents: the Articles of Incorporation, the Master Deed, the Condominium Bylaws, the Association (Corporate) Bylaws and any Rules and Regulations meant to implement the Bylaws.  In order to avoid confusion, many condominium attorneys in Michigan combine the Condominium


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