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The Michigan Community Association Law Blog

In Michigan, the terms of a master deed, bylaws or other restrictive covenants are contractual in nature. See Rossow v. Brentwood Farms Dev, Inc, 251 Mich App 652, 658, 651 NW2d 458 (2002). The Michigan Courts have generally held that a master deed, bylaws or

On June 25, 2015, the United States Supreme Court decided Texas Dep’t of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, __ US __ (2015), a decision that affects community associations throughout the country, including in Michigan. In a surprise to many court observers, the

The Michigan Condominium Act, MCL 559.101, et. seq., contains various provisions related to the manner in which a condominium association may amend its master deed, bylaws and condominium subdivision plan (the “Condominium Documents”).  Excluding special rules pertaining to developers, under most circumstances an amendment to

In Michigan, the Michigan Condominium Act, MCL 559.157, requires that the “…books, records, contracts, and financial statements concerning the administration and operation of the condominium” be available for examination by the co-owners at convenient times.  Accordingly, most condo documents also contain provisions that require the books


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