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Detroit HOA Attorney Tag

Introduction The overwhelming majority of condominium and homeowners associations in Michigan govern residential developments. Accordingly, many community associations have concerns about residents or guests traveling at excessive speeds throughout the neighborhood. With the growing utilization of common interest communities, more and more associations are seeking to

The below condominium and HOA seminars will not only tackle the basics in proper Condominium and HOA operations, but also discuss latest developments in statutory and case law. State Bar of Michigan - Real Property Law Section - Condominium Law: Representing Developers, Associations, and Co-Owners Date:         1/18/18 Time:    

Whether you are a seasoned condominium board member or new condominium board member, Kevin Hirzel’s seminars will have something for you.  The seminars will not only tackle the basics in proper Condominium and HOA operations, but also discuss latest developments in statutory and case law. Michigan Community Association


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