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Hirzel Law, PLC is Proud to Announce our NEW Traverse City Office!

Hirzel Law, PLC is pleased to announce that it is opening a second office in Traverse City, Michigan in January 2020 to better serve its northern Michigan clients.  The new office is located at 1001 Bay St., Suite E, Traverse City, Michigan. The firm is also proud to announce that Michael McCulloch, Esq., an experienced community association attorney and litigator, has joined the firm and will be working out of the Traverse City office.

Hirzel Law, PLC primarily represents condominium associations, cooperatives, homeowners associations and summer resorts. The firm also represents individual and corporate clients in various real estate, business and litigation matters. The attorneys at Hirzel Law, PLC routinely receive rewards and accolades related to the practice of community association and real estate law.  Hirzel Law, PLC looks forward to expanding its Northern Michigan footprint as it continues to service clients throughout the entire state of Michigan.

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