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HomeCondo and HOA Cases (Page 5)

Condo and HOA Cases

One of the many benefits of buying property in a homeowners association is that the homes are often more valuable than homes located in non-deed restricted communities.  Architectural control restrictions in restrictive covenants often play a significant role in increasing and maintaining property values in

The Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) require condominium associations to make reasonable accommodations to disabled co-owners under certain circumstances.  However, condominium associations should keep in mind that co-owners are not entitled to every accommodation that is requested.  Rather, co-owners are only entitled to accommodations that

United States Navy Rear Admiral Grace Hopper is quoted as saying, “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.”  Possibly because this saying is so popular, it can cause headaches for homeowners associations.  This is particularly true when owners erect accessory buildings,