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HomeCondo and HOA Cases (Page 7)

Condo and HOA Cases

Introduction In Vista Property Group, LLC v Schulte, unpublished per curiam opinion of the Court of Appeals, issued September 17, 2020 (Docket No. 347471), the Michigan Court of Appeals vacated a no-cause judgment in favor of a condominium association and remanded the case back to the Kent County Circuit Court

In Square Lake Hills Assn v Garland, unpublished opinion of the Court of Appeals,  Docket No. 350403, issued November, 12, 2020, the Michigan Court of Appeals upheld a ruling of the Oakland County Circuit Court that dismissed a defamation claim brought by a co-owner against a condominium association, individual board

In Estate of Romig by Kooman v Boulder Bluff Condominiums Units 73-123, 125-146, Inc, No. 347653, issued October 15, 2020 (Docket Nos. 347653 & 348254), the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that a condominium association’s alleged denial of a request to install a railing to accommodate a disabled person did


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