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Elections and Voting

Kevin Hirzel and Brandan Hallaq of Hirzel Law, PLC represented the Channel View East Condominium Association in this case. On July 2, 2019, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued an Opinion in Channel View East Condominium Association, Inc v Gregory V Ferguson, unpublished per curiam opinion

In some condominium governing documents, there are provisions that require a co-owner vote before the association can file a lawsuit.  These provisions range from the rather mundane to extremely onerous. In Nottingham Village Condominium Association v. Pensom, unpublished per curiam opinion of the Michigan Court of

In most Michigan condominium associations, the same individuals serve as both directors and officers of the nonprofit corporation in charge of the condominium.  Often times, there is confusion or misunderstanding about the difference between a “director” and an “officer.”  Thus, co-owners routinely ask our office