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HomeMichigan Condominium Act (Page 7)

Michigan Condominium Act

Kevin Hirzel recently scored an important victory for Michigan condominium associations in Cove Creek Condominium Association v Vistal Land & Home Development, L.L.C., et al., Oakland County Circuit Court Case No. 16-155706-CH (Order Granting Summary Disposition, Dated February 10, 2017).  The Oakland County Circuit Court

Purchasing a new construction condominium is an exciting prospect for many people.  However, condominium purchasers are often provided with a large amount of information and requested to make numerous decisions in a short period of time.  In many instances, potential condominium purchasers are completely unfamiliar

On December 1, 2016, the Grand Traverse County Circuit Court ruled that units could not be added to a condominium after the expiration of the six (6) year time frame contained in MCL 559.132 in Irish v Scheppe Investments, Inc., et. al., Grand Traverse County

Michigan House Bill 5980 was introduced on October 19, 2016. House Bill 5980 would amend MCL 559.154, Section 54 of the Michigan Condominium Act, and require that all disputes between co-owners and/or the Association, including those that involve the interpretation of the condominium documents, be


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