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Condominium Document Enforcement

Condominium Association Funds and Capital Projects: Walsh v Hawthorn Hills Owners of Rochester, Inc.  Introduction              Boards of Directors of community associations are often charged with the responsibility of maintaining the capital assets of the corporation and administering the community itself.  This responsibility involves difficult decisions regarding the

Michigan Court of Appeals Holds that Short-Term Rentals Violate Residential Use Restrictions             Since 2004, the Michigan Court of Appeals has repeatedly determined that short-term rentals within Michigan communities that are subject to residential, business, and commercial restrictions are prohibited because they are commercial activities that

Can You Pay Directors and Officers of a Michigan Condominium or Homeowners Association?             It is common for a condominium association’s master deed and bylaws or a homeowners association’s declaration to address compensating board members.  Usually, such a provision will either expressly disallow any compensation or

Can a Michigan Condominium or Homeowners Association Ban a Thin Blue Line Flag? Although the history of the term “thin blue line” can be traced back to the mid-1800s, the term gained national popularity in the 1950s through Los Angeles Police Chief Bill Parker’s statement that

Don’t sweat the small stuff.  While it may be a good tip for reducing stress in your life, it is almost certainly not a good tip when it comes to following the governing documents for your condo or HOA.  In fact, ensuring that all of